Day 1, 0805, when I pulled into the Marine Base Quantico things got very real, you can plan for many things but when it happens....mind blown. We drove for many miles at low speeds (posted speed limits were 45 and sometimes 15), and you don't want to speed because they are diligently enforced. The Marines and Quantico Police were very accommodating as this wide eyed Nebraska boy entered their turf. I drove for miles (the base is huge), until finally reaching our destination. I parked outside of Jefferson dorm and walked for what seemed like forever and began the check in process. This included standing in line after line after line (military folks call it, "hurry up and wait." After getting uniforms, signing forms and all that jazz I finally make it to my room 535 on the 5th floor of Madison Hall. which consists of a very small dorm room with a roommate and sharing a bathroom with another room. After meeting everyone involved it will be fine. I got an International roommate from Kuwait named Mohammed. We quickly got along well and figured out how to configure the room most efficiently and with the most privacy as seen below. I got a quick pic of the favorite photo spot outside the dorm (below). I met so many people from so many states it is hard to believe and not even close to everyone in the class (228 I heard was the final count). Tomorrow is tours and class changes with other meetings sprinkled in. Time to get some sleep, looks like Bama will roll again....
my room |
Outside Jefferson dorm |
Hi, Mike. Congrats on your acceptance to the NA. I am a 265 graduate and I look forward to remembering my time in Quantico through your blog. Enjoy this life changing experience and good luck! Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.